quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2020

Atividades de inglês - 8ºB - Professora Ronize


Atividades para o 8º B do dia 05/11


Observem os depoimentos abaixo.


Marcos, 55 years old, Brazil.

“When I was a kid, industrialized toys were too expensive, so we used to make our own toys, like tops and kites.”


Eva, 41 years old, Germany.

“I used to love a toy that was like a board and you could draw on it using two buttons. Then you had another button, or something like that, to erase your drawing.”


Harumi, 63 years, Japan.

“I was born in Japan in 1950, after World War II, so life was very difficult for everybody. My family was poor and my brothers and I didn’t have toys. I remember I had some paper dolls and paper clothes to dress them.”


Rudolph, 32 years old, USA.

“When I was about 7, the big thing among us boys was to have action figures or dolls for boys. They came as soldiers and stuff like that. I used to have a big collection until a few years ago, but then I gave all my action figures to my son, Will.”


Jorge, 37 years old, Argentina.

“My favorite toy was a portable video game. Of course, at that time, the screen was black and white, the sound was not stereo and there weren’t many games, but who cared?”


“Crianças”, não é necessário traduzir, a não ser que isso ajude vocês no entendimento, do contrário, apenas leiam e procurem descobrir do que se trata, pois vamos utilizá-los nas próximas atividades.

Todas as atividades devem ser encaminhadas para o e-mail da professora:


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